Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Goose Fraba Status Report

Status: I am currently holed up in the Oram Walk Police Department in Gibsonton, waiting for HDR. I have assembled a pretty good assortment of weapons, but being a Scout I can't effectively use them. Life as a Scout is rough.

I'm considering switching to another character I made, named Yaba Haba. Yaba Haba is currently in the Vinetown Cathedral, with no idea where Wipert's Oliver Platt is. Yaba Haba is a private, so with him I could actually kill a zombie. I think I'll take the trek with HDR and then from there I'll probably sacrifice one to the zombies (probably the scout, as he's kind of worthless).


At 11:52 AM, Blogger Dave said...

I've read that staying overnight in a police station is like suidice. (The damn zombies know people go there a lot.)

At 12:21 PM, Blogger P. Arty said...

I've heard that too, but I plan on checking again this afternoon, and there's like 30 people there, and it's very strongly barracaded.

And I'm a scout, so who the f cares?

By the way, can I get admin rights? I have ALL SORTS OF IDEAS.


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