It Seems Hard to Move and Fight

I'm still level one (thirty XP), and it's all I can do to pop my head out, take a few shots at some damn zombies, and keep myself armed. (I want to find an Axe to have in reserve). Pat, what do you say to meeting up somewhere near where we are now and fighting for a couple of days so we can get you some gun skills and me free running?
This is Oliver Platt... over
I am currently holed up in the Heavily Fortified Toms Building in the Northeast portion of Scarletwood. Very little Zombie Presence. I am a scout with a pistol, and some booze. I am making my way north towards Vinetown.
Vinetown or BUST... over
Arvid Engen here...
I'm headed towards Vinetown as well, currently holed up in the Wiltshire Towers building in West Grayside.
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Yaba Haba here. I'm currently in the Buckett Building in Vinetown. I was stationed in the cathedral, but I got ATTACKED BY A ZOMBIE. I have 36 hitpoints, a pistol, and a pair of wirecutters. I love that wirecutters have become useless...really, I think that's awesome. It's hard to make that not sound sarcastic.
Anyway, I've given up on Goose Fraba. It's not a world for a scout. It seems like it would take forever to level up. I'll still play with him, but my real focus is Goose Fraba now.
Dave, where do you want GF to meet you? I really don't know how to level him up in any reasonable amount of time, I guess I can get first aid kits or something. Weak.
Nah, just drop him - I'll journey solo. It'll just make the Vine Town reunion all the sweeter. Hopefully by then I'll be a shotgun-toting, wine-chugging, axe-swinging, zombie-killing machine.
Until Vine Town,
El Matador
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