
Robert Logia [sic], in an incredible battle, shot a zombie with a flare. When asked about the great achievement, he stated "10% chance, my ass." Not even the zombie's flak jacket could stop the zombie from exploding into a thousand little brain-craving pieces. Robert Logia sits with axe skills, DNA extraction skills, 130 XP, and full HP. A picture of Robert Logia showing off his flare gun can be seen to the right.
my test account wasted a day stocking up on shotguns and pistol clips. Tomorrow, he guarantees, he will kill a zombie.
And the newest member, Filouza, has taken a break from composing beautiful march melodies, and zapped 48 zombies in the past 2 days for a total of 192 XP. Unsure of what to do, he is thinking of concentrating on revivifying zombies.
I have no idea where any of my dudes are. I think I'm going to solely concentrate on building them up. Once we get a bunch of strong characters we should meet up and plan some attacks, or form some alliances. It seems kind of worthless to have a bunch of mediocre players together.
Hahahaha, I love it.
He looks like a badass.
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