Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Three

Tonight, for research, two of my personalities (Doctor and Captain Giggles) bought and watched Shaun of the Dead. Much was learned. Unfortunately, Zombie Giggles peaked out of the closet he was shoved into and learned even more than the others. He can now discern between Queen and Coldplay, becoming gayly angry when Queen is played and smoothly angry during Coldplay. Let us hope he never hears Shakira and becomes whatever kind of angry is related to that hot "Whenever, Wherever" dance move.

Individual Stati:

Dr. G: Running between the Cotty St. PD and St. Justin's Hospital (for supplies) in Dunell Hills. The PD was invaded by a level 32 zed today, but was taken out by others, leaving the good doctor to return on his path to becoming the best medic since Dr. Quinn.

Capt. G: Up to level 2 and rising with a 55% pistol hit rate and more than enough ammo. The calm of Dartside isn't fulfilling his bloodlust, though, and it may be only a matter of time before he turns on his fellow men...

Zombie G: Wandering the streets at level 2 and rising... and rising... and rising... from the grave.


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