Friday, November 04, 2005

D-Train Status Report

First off, Pat: When you get into Gibsonton, pick a building and build us a safehouse! (I'd suggest an 'arms'. It's got some good stuff to find inside, but isnt'a zombie-magnet like a police station or hospital.) Once that's setup, let's congregate.

I awoke to the sounds of battle:

* A flare was fired 1 block to the west and 9 blocks to the north. (11-04 06:08 GMT)
* The zombie's bite was infected! (You'll now take 1HP damage for every action you take, except speaking. Infection can be cured with a First Aid Kit.) (11-04 10:20 GMT)
* A zombie attacked you for 4 damage. (11-04 10:20 GMT)
* A flare was fired 1 block to the west and 5 blocks to the north. (11-04 12:10 GMT)
* A zombie attacked you for 2 damage. (11-04 13:11 GMT)
* morfff said "kill all the zombies! barricade this mutha!" (11-04 14:23 GMT)
* A flare was fired 7 blocks to the west and 3 blocks to the north. (11-04 14:31 GMT)
* A zombie said "Graaaagh!" (11-04 14:31 GMT)

I quickly took stock of my arsenal - only my stupid, worthless baseball bat. Luckily I had a first aid kit, so I healed my infection first. I stumbled out and ran south-east, into the heart of Gibsonton. EVERY FUCKING SAFEHOUSE WAS HEAVILY BARRICADED. I ran from door to door, no one would let me in. Finally I found a bar which was strongly barricaded and got inside. I searched ten times and only found wine. I NEED A GOD D#*! GUN! This is getting ridiculous. Two? Tree days now? No guns, no offensive ability. I've been sitting at 68 XP forEVER. FUCKING ZOMBIES!!

Torrential Pain
Heeding Pat's advice, I'm going to stay in my nice, comfy safe house full of healers until this evening. Once all the DNA extractions reset I'll set out and stick some zeds.

Zombies Equal Fire
*taps plays solemnly in the distance*
We gather here today to mourn the loss of our young, simple friend; Zombies Equal Fire. He was but a fireman with his axe gleaming in the sun, swing at bastard zombies faster than a fire consumes a baby crib. But alas, he awoke in this city surrounded by a firehose of zombies. He will be missed.


At 10:12 AM, Blogger P. Arty said...

It's gonna be awhile until I can build a barricade. My only guy is sitting in Vinetown, AP-less. I spent all the AP I awoke with running to a hospital to find a fak for the only other guy in my building. He had an infected bite, and only about 5 AP. Fuck zombies. I'll do nearly anything to prevent another person falling victim to their disease.

My only character at this point, Port Smellden, has 41 XP and 6 AP, so it'll be at least a couple of days until I'm in Gibsonton ready to build. Fucking zombies. Why'd they have to take P Arty from me?

At 10:29 AM, Blogger Dave said...

Sorry, I didn't realize P Arty was your good guy. (You could always get him revived if you wanted)


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