Thursday, November 03, 2005

Squad D-Train Status Report

First off, Pat! You are kicking so much ass - I'm humbled by your ammount of ass-kicking. If you're having such huge success with DNA scanning, don't even worry about getting weapon skills for a while yet, get that free-running. My guys had a pretty damn rough evening here...

EL MATADOR: My private, he just wasted his entier 14 AP he'd accumulated searching a fire station for an axe and found NOTHING. Damn you, probability! This is BS.

ZOMBIES EQUAL FIRE: Did a decen job of zombie chopping - hit one (full AP, moved on), killed a second, but I'm just entering the huge-ass zombie army, and every single building has been torn to pieces. There is nowhere to hide. I collapsed in the middle of the street- I'm pretty sure I will die tonight.

TORRENTIAL PAIN: My Necrotech employee. I got a few DNA samples, but also fell asleep. I'm not sure how safe I am at the moment. I'm concerned for my safety, I seem promising, and I don't want to die.

So basically, EL MATADOR has stalled out. The dude has been trying to find a mother effing axe for like 35 AP now with no luck. I'm considering just waiting to get a full AP load, then finding some guns and just focusing on guns with him. ZOMBIES EQUAL FIRE seems to be on the short route to zed-town. And TORRENTIAL PAIN still shows promise - hopefully he'll find a decent number of zombies tomorrow to stab with his stabber.


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